Asus "VY249HE 23.8 आई केयर मॉनिटर, 1080पी फुल एचडी, 75 हर्ट्ज, आईपीएस, एडेप्टिव-सिंक/सिंक, आई केयर...


MPN: VY249HE  UPC: 192876912928  Listing: C0CEED7B28

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Asus "VY249HE 23,8 Eye Care Monitor, 1080P Full HD, 75 Hz, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, Eye Care Plus, Farbverstärkung, Ruheerinnerung, HDMI VGA"

Asus VY249HE 23.8 护眼显示器,1080P 全高清,75Hz,IPS,自适应同步/同步,Eye Care Plus,色彩增强,休息提醒,HDMI VGA

Asus VY249HE 23.8 Eye Care モニター、1080P フル HD、75Hz、IPS、Adaptive-Sync/Sync、Eye Care Plus、カラー拡張、休憩リマインダー、HDMI VGA

Asus "Monitor para el cuidado de los ojos VY249HE 23.8, 1080P Full HD, 75 Hz, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, Eye Care Plus, aumento de color, recordatorio de descanso, HDMI VGA"

Asus "VY249HE 23.8 Eye Care Monitor, 1080P Full HD, 75Hz, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, Eye Care Plus, Color Augmentation, Rappel de repos, HDMI VGA"

Asus "VY249HE 23,8-дюймовый монитор для ухода за глазами, 1080P Full HD, 75 Гц, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, Eye Care Plus, усиление цвета, напоминание...

Asus "Monitor do pielęgnacji oczu VY249HE 23,8, 1080P Full HD, 75 Hz, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, Eye Care Plus, wzmocnienie kolorów, przypomnienie o odpoczynku, HDMI VGA"

Asus "VY249HE 23.8 Eye Care Monitor, 1080P Full HD, 75 Hz, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, Eye Care Plus, Color Augmentation, Rest Reminder, HDMI VGA"

Asus "VY249HE 23.8 아이 케어 모니터, 1080P 풀 HD, 75Hz, IPS, Adaptive-Sync/Sync, 아이 케어 플러스, 색 확대, 휴식 알림, HDMI VGA"

Asus "VY249HE 23.8 شاشة العناية بالعيون ، 1080P Full HD ، 75 هرتز ، IPS ، Adaptive-Sync / Sync ، Eye Care Plus ، زيادة اللون ، تذكير الراحة ، HDMI VGA"...

12/03/2024 12:39:12 [WSPG12C945FE41B19063F4A4] [DM-N]