Each metal gas can is made of 24-gauge hot dip galvanized steel using deep drawn construction so there is no top or side seam and has a doub...
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Each metal gas can is made of 24-gauge hot dip galvanized steel using deep drawn construction so there is no top or side seam and has a double interlock no-weld bottom seam | The gas container has 2 openings: a pressure-relief spring-closing lid for filling, and an actuated pour valve with a flexible 12 inch metal spout for safe, controlled dispensing | The gasoline can has a leakproof, self-closing lid with a nitrile gasket that vents at 5 PSI internal pressure and a baked-on high gloss powder coat finish with trilingual labels | The filler spout and flame arrestors in both openings of the metal safety can have a non-sparking design for flashback protection and a pressure relief cap that allows the container to automatically vent to prevent rupture or explosion in a fire | Each Eagle Type II gas can is leak tested and made in the USA
Eagle safety cans are known in the market for their sophisticated technology and superior quality. Our type 2 safety can helps control vapors to prevent the risk of fire when storing flammable materials. Each Eagle Type 2 gas can has 2 openings, one for filling and a second for pouring. The safety cans are made with 24-gauge hot-dip galvanized steel construction with a baked-on powder coat finish for corrosion resistance and double-interlock, no-weld bottom seam. The cans come with a flexible 12 flexible metal spout that helps reduce the danger of explosion while dispensing flammable liquids. Every safety gas can has non-sparking flame arrestors in the filler opening and pour spout. The cans have a trilingual label and are available in red (Flammable), yellow (Diesel), blue (Kerosene), and green (Combustibles). Our safety cans are FM, UL and ULC approved and meet OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106, 1926.152, and NFPA Code 30 compliant. Eagle offers FM Approved Compliance Solutions in a variety of cans and containers, including stainless steel cans, lab cans, faucet cans, disposal cans, plunger, bench and daub cans, and poly oily waste and biohazard...
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